2 Chronicles 31:11-19

Matthew(i) 11 And Hezekiah bade dresse vp the store houses aboute the house of the Lorde. And so they dyd, 12 and caryed in the heaue offeringes and the tythes and the dedycate gyftes euen of fydelyte. Ouer which Chonaniah the Leuite had the rule wyth Semei hys brother nexte to hym. 13 And Iehiel, Asariah, Nahath, Asael, Ierimoth, Iosabad, Eliel, Iesmachiah, Mahath and Bananiah were ouer sears ordeyned by Chonaniah and Semei hys brother, at the appoyntement of Hezekiah the kynge, and Asariah the ruler of the house of God. 14 And Chore the sonne of Iemma the Leuite porter of the East dore had the ouersyght of the frewyll offeringes of God, to geue heaueofferynges vnto the Lorde, and was ouer thynges moste holy. 15 And vnder hym were Eden, Miniamin, Iesua, Semeiah, Amariah and Secheniah in the cytyes of the priestes of theyr fydelyte, to geue to their brethren theyr porcyons, as well to the small as to the great. 16 And to the males also that were rekened from thre yeare and aboue amonge all that went into the house of the Lord day by day, to do seruice and to wayte by course. 17 And to the pryestes that were rekened in the housholdes of their fathers from twentye yeare and aboue, to wayte when theyr courses came. 18 And to them that were rekened thorow oute all theyr babes, wiues, sonnes and doughters thorow oute all the congregacyon. For to the fydelytye of them dyd men commit their sanctyfyed gyftes. 19 And thereto amonge the chyldren of Aaron the pryestes were men named by name in the feldes of the suburbes of all their cytyes, cytye by cytye, for to geue porcions to all the males of the priestes, and to all that were rekened amonge the Leuites.