21 And so the chyldren of Israel that were founde at Ierusalem, helde the feast of swete breade seuen dayes wyth great gladnesse, and the Leuites and the preastes praysed the Lorde daye by daye with lowde instrumentes.
22 And Hezekiah spake hertely vnto the Leuites that had good vnderstandyng of the Lord. And they dyd eate that feast seuen dayes long and offered peace offerynges and thanked the Lorde God of theyr fathers.
23 And the hoale assemble toke councell to kepe seuen dayes mo: and they helde those seuen dayes with gladnesse.
24 For Hezekiah kynge of Iuda gaue for heaue offrynges to the congregacion a thousand oxen and seuen thousand shepe. And the Lorde gaue to the congregacyon for heaueoffrynges a thousand oxen and ten thousand shepe. And the preastes sanctifyed them selues, that they were ynowe.
25 And all the congregacion of Iuda with the preastes and Leuites, and all the congregacyon that came out of Israel and the straungers, both that came out of the lande of Israel and the dwelt in Iuda,
26 reioysed: and there was great ioye in Ierusalem. For sence the tyme of Salomon the sonne of Dauid kynge of Israel yt happened not so in Ierusalem.
27 And the preastes and the Leuites arose and blessed the people, and theyr voce was hearde and theyr prayer went vp vnto hys holye dwellyng place heauen.