2 Chronicles 28:6-9

Matthew(i) 6 For Phakeh the sonne of Romeliah slue in Iuda an hundred and twentye thousand in one daye, & all fyghtynge men: & that because they had forsaken the Lorde God of theyr fathers. 7 And Zechri a myghtye man in mount Ephraim slue Maasiah the kynges sonne, and Africam the Lord stuarde of housholde, & Elcanah that was next to the kyng. 8 And the children of Israel toke prysoners of theyre brethren two hundred thousand wyues, sonnes and daughters, and therto caryed awaye moche spoyle of them, and brought yt to Samaria. 9 But there was a prophete of the Lordes named obed which went out to the Host that came to Samaria & sayde to them: se, because the Lorde God of your fathers was wroth with Iuda, he deliuered them into youre handes. And ye haue slayne them with cruelnesse that reacheth vp to heauen.