2 Chronicles 26:16-20

Matthew(i) 16 And in his greatnesse hys hert arose, that he was marred: & transgressed against the Lord his God. For he went into the temple of the Lorde to burne cense vpon the aulter of incense. 17 But Asariah the prieste went in after him with foure skore priestes of the Lorde that were bolde men. 18 And they stepte to Oziah the kynge & sayde to him: it pertayneth not to the Oziah to burne cense vnto the Lorde, but to the priestes the children of Aaron that are consecrate for to burne incense. Come out of the sanctuarye, for thou hast trespaced, and it shalbe no worshepe to the before the Lorde God. 19 And Oziah was wroth and had cense in hys hande to offer, and in hys indignacyon agaynste the prieste, the leprosye sprange in his forhead the priestes in the house of the Lorde, euen besyde the incense aulter. 20 And Asariah the chefe priest with al the other priestes loked vpon him: and beholde he was a leper in his forhead, & they vexed him thence. And therto he was fayne to go oute, because the Lord had plaged him.