3 And it chaunsed that the Asses of thys Cis Sauls father were lost. Then said Cis to Saule his sonne: take one of the laddes with the, & vp, & go seke the Asses.
4 And they went thorow mount Ephraim, & thorow the lande of Salisia, & founde them not. Then they went thorow the lande of Salim, & there they were not. Then they went also thorow the land of Iemini, and they found them not.
5 Then when they were come to the lande of Zuph, Saule sayde to the youngeman that was with hym: come, let vs returne, lest my father leue caring for the asses, & take thought for vs.
6 And he answered him: behold, there is in this cytie a worshipful man of God, & all that he sayth, cometh to passe. Now then let vs go thether, paraduenture he shall shew vs what waye we may go.
7 Then said Saul to his lad yf we go what shall we bryng the man? For our bread is all spent out of our hampers, and there is no nother present to bryng the man of God, what haue we?
8 And the young man aunswered Saul agayne & sayde: I haue found about me the fourth part of a Sicle, that will we geue the man of God to tell vs oure waye.
9 Before tyme in Israel when a man went to seke an answere of God, thus wyse he spake: come & let vs go to the Sear. For he that is now called a Prophet, was in the olde tyme called a Sear.
10 Then sayde Saul to his young man: well said of the: come let vs go. And so they went vnto the cytie where the man of god was.