1 Samuel 24:17-22

Matthew(i) 17 and sayde to Dauid: thou art ryghteouser then I, for thou hast rewarde me wyth good, and I haue rewarded the with euyl. 18 And thou haste shewed thys daye howe that thou hast dealt louyngly with me, for as muche as when the Lorde hath locked me in thyne handes, thou sluest me not. 19 For who shall fynde hys enemy and let hym depart a good waye? Wherfore the Lord rewarde the with good, for that thou hast done vnto me thys daye. 20 And now I wote wel that thou shalt be kyng, and that the kyngedome of Israel shalbe stablyshed in thyne hande. 21 Swere therfore vnto me by the Lorde, that thou shalt not destroye my seade after my, & that thou shalt not destroy my name out of my fathers house. 22 And Dauid sware vnto Saul, and Saul went home. But Dauid and hys men gat vp vnto an holde.