1 Samuel 24:11-17

Matthew(i) 11 And moreouer my father, se yet the lap of thy cote in my hand. And in as muche as I killed the not to, when I cut of the lappe of thy cote, vnderstand and se, that there is nether euyl nor rebellyousnesse in me, & that I haue not synned agaynst the. And yet thou huntest after my soule to take it. 12 The lorde be iudge betwene the and me, & the lorde aduenge me of the. But myne hand be not vpon the. 13 Accordyng to the old prouerbe, wickednesse shal procede out of the wicked. But myne hande be not vpon the. 14 After whom art thou come out, thou kynge of Israel? After whom chasest thou euen after a dead dogge, & after a flee. 15 The Lord be iudge, and iudge betwene the & me, & se & pleate my cause, and iudge me fre out of thine hande. 16 When Dauid had made an ende of speaking all these wordes to Saul, Saul sayde: is this thy voyce my sonne Dauid? & he lifte vp hys voyce and wepte, 17 and sayde to Dauid: thou art ryghteouser then I, for thou hast rewarde me wyth good, and I haue rewarded the with euyl.