1 Samuel 14:40-44

Matthew(i) 40 Then he said vnto all Israell: be ye on one syde, & I & Ionathas my sonne wylbe on another. And the people sayde vnto Saule: what thou thynkest best that do. 41 And Saule sayde vnto the Lorde God of Israell: geue perfecte knoweledge. And Saule and Ionathas were caught, & the people skaped free. 42 Then sayde Saul, cast lottes betwene me & Ionathas my sonne. And Ionathas was caughte. 43 Then Saul sayde to Ionathas: tell me what thou hast done. And Ionathas tolde hym & sayde: I tasted a lytle honye vpon the ende of my staffe that was in myne hande, & se, I must dye. 44 Then sayd Saul: God do so and so to me except that thou dye Ionathas.