1 Kings 7:15-24

Matthew(i) 15 He caste two pyllers of brasse of .xviii. cubytes a pece hye and a strynge of .xij. cubytes myght compase eyther of them aboute. 16 And he made two head peces of molten brasse to set on the toppes of the pyllers, of fyue cubytes long 17 a pece wyth garlandes of brayded worcke and whopes of chayne worcke for the heade peces that were on the pillers .vij. for one and .vij. for the other. 18 And he made the pyllers, & for eyther of the head peces a garland wyth two rowes of pomegranetes to couer them wyth al. 19 And the head peces that were on the toppes of the pyllers were wrought wyth lylyes in the porche the space of foure cubytes of them. 20 And the pomegranetes aboue & beneth on the wrethen chaynes that compased the mydle of the head peces were in nombre two hundred on eyther heade pece. 21 And he set vp the pyllers in the porche of the temple, and when he had set vp the right pyller, he called the name therof Iachin, & when he had set vp the left pyller he called the name therof Boaz. 22 And the toppes of the pyllers were thus wroughte wyth lylyes, and so was theyr worckemanshyp fynyshed. 23 Then he caste a sea of brasse, ten cubytes wyde from brym to brym and rounde in compase, & fyue cubytes hye. And a strynge of .xxx. cubytes myghte compase it aboute, 24 & vnder the brym of it as it were apples compased and embrased the sea of ten cubytes wyde in two rowes cast wyth it when it waste cast.