1 Kings 3:7-13

Matthew(i) 7 And now Lord, my God, it is thou that hast made thy seruaunt kynge in steade of Dauid my father. And I am a young lad & wote not how to order my selfe. 8 And thy seruaunt is in the myddes of thy people which thou hast chosen, a people that are so many that they can not be told nor nombred for multitude. 9 Geue therfore vnto thy seruaunt an vnderstandynge herte to iudge thy people, & to decerne betwene good, and bad. For who is able to iudge thys thy so waightye a people. 10 And it pleased the Lord well, that Salomon had desyred thys thynge. 11 Wherfore God said vnto him: because thou hast asked this thynge and hast not asked long life, nether hast asked ryches, nor the lyues of thyne enemies, but hast asked the discrecion to vnderstand equite. 12 Se, I haue done accordynge to thy petycyon: and beholde: I haue geuen thy a wyse and an vnderstandynge hert, so that there was none lyke the before, nether after the shal any aryse lyke vnto the. 13 And therto I haue geuen the, that thou askedst not, bothe rychesse and honoure: so that there shalbe no kynge lyke the all the dayes.