1 Corinthians 2:9-14

Matthew(i) 9 But as it was written: The eye hath not sene, and the eare hath not hearde, neither haue entred into the herte of man the thinges, which God hath prepared for them that loue him. 10 But God hath opened them to vs by hys spirite. For the spirite searcheth al thinges, ye the bottome of Goddes secretes. 11 For what man knoweth the thynges of a man, saue the spyryte of a man, whiche is wythin him. Euen so the thinges of God knoweth no man, but the spirite of God. 12 And we haue not receiued the spirite of the world: but the spyryte whiche cometh of God, for to knowe the thinges, that are geuen to vs of God, 13 which thinges also we speake, not in the conninge wordes of mannes wysdome, but wyth the conning wordes of the holye ghost, makinge spyritual comparisons of spirituall thinges. 14 For the naturall man perceiueth not the thinges of the spyrite of God. For they are but folishnes vnto him. Neither can he perceiue them, because he is spiritually examined.