1 Corinthians 14:26-31

Matthew(i) 26 Howe is it then brethren? When ye come together, euerye man hath his songe, hath his doctryne, hath his tounge, hath hys reuelation, hath hys interpretation. Let al thynges be done vnto edifiynge. 27 If anye man speake wyth tounges, let it be two at ones, or at the moste thre at ones, and that by course: and let another interprete it. 28 But yf there be no interpreter, let him kepe silence in the congregation, and let him speake to him selfe and to God. 29 Let the Prophetes speake two at ones, or thre at ones, and let other iudge. 30 And yf anye reuelation be made to another that sitteth by, let the fyrste holde hys peace. 31 For ye maye all prophecye, one by one that all maye learne, and all maye haue comforte.