1 Chronicles 28:9-21

Matthew(i) 9 And thou Salomon my sonne: knowe God thy father, and serue hym with a pure hert, and lust of soule. For the Lorde searcheth all hertes, and vnderstandeth all the Imaginacyons of thoughtes. If thou shalte seke hym, he wylbe founde of the: But & yf thou forsake hym, he wyll caste the of for euer. 10 Take hede now, for the Lord hath chosen the, to buylde an house of thy sanctuarye. Be stronge, and do it. 11 And Dauid gaue Salomon hys sonne the paterne of the porche & of the houses that longed therto, & of the store houses, vpper chambres, ynner parloures, and of the house of the mercye seate: 12 and the example of all that was in hys mynde, bothe of the courtes of the house of the Lord and of the treasure houses rounde aboute, for the treasures of the house of God, and for the treasure of the dedicate gyftes, 13 and of the companyes of the priestes & Leuytes that wayted by course, & of all workemanshyppe, that shulde serue for the house of the Lorde, 14 and for all vesselles that shuld serue in the house of the Lorde. And appoynted hym, what wayghte of goulde shoulde serue for thynges of goulde thorowoute all vessels for whatsoeuer vse it serued: and what wayghte of syluer shoulde suffyse for all maner of vesselles of syluer, for whatsoeuer purpose they serued. 15 And the wayghte of the goulden candelstyckes, and of theyr lampes of goulde, the wayghte for euerye candelsticke, and for theyr lampes. And for the candelstyckes of syluer by wayght, bothe for the candelstycke & also for her lampes accordynge to the offyce of euery candelstycke. 16 And the waight of gould for the tables of shewe breade, table by table: and lykewyse syluer for the tables of syluer. 17 And for fleshehokes, basens and drynckynge pottes of pure goulde. And for cuppes of goulde by wayghte, cuppe by cuppe. And for cuppes of syluer by wayght, cuppe by cuppe. 18 And for the aulter of incense of tryed goulde by wayghte. And the similytude of the seate of the Cherubes that stretched oute theyr winges, and couered the Arcke of the couenaunte of the Lorde. 19 All was geuen me by wrytynge of the hande of the Lorde, whiche made me vnderstande all the worckemanshippe of the paterne. 20 And Dauid sayde to Salomon hys sonne: harden thy self, and be strong, and do it, feare not, nor let thyne herte dyscourage the. For the Lorde God my God is wyth the, & shall not leaue the nor forsake the, vntyll thou haste fynyshed all the worcke that must serue for the house of the Lorde. 21 Beholde the priestes & Leuites deuyded in companyes, for to do all maner of seruyce that pertayneth to the house of God, and besyde that thou haste wyth the for all maner of worckemanshyppe, all that are wyllyng and wyse for anye maner of seruice. And the Lordes and all the people are at thy commaundement in all thynges.