Mark 14:3-9

Mace(i) 3 now being at Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper, while he was at table, there came a woman with a viol full of the perfume of spikenard, which was very costly; and she opened the viol, and poured it upon his head. 4 but some had a secret indignation, and said, why must the perfume be so wasted? 5 for we could have sold it for above two hundred denarys, and given them to the poor: and they inveighed against her. 6 but Jesus said, let her alone, why do you disquiet her? it is commendable, what she has done out of respect to me. 7 the poor you have always with you, and you may relieve them whenever you please: but me you will not always have. 8 she has done what she could: she has perfum'd my body previously to my burial. 9 I declare unto you, in whatever quarter of the world this part of the gospel-history shall be related, this action of hers shall be mention'd to her praise.