Acts 19:23-34

Mace(i) 23 It was then a tumult happen'd at Ephesus upon account of the christian sect. 24 for one Demetrius, a silver-smith, who made little models of Diana's temple, and so furnish'd a deal of employment to the workmen in that trade, 25 summon'd the company, and thus address'd them, "tho' you know, sirs, it is by this craft that we are in such plight, 26 yet your own eyes and ears have inform'd you, that not only at Ephesus, but almost throughout all Asia, this Paul by his persuasions has turn'd the heads of a world of people, asserting, that these are Gods of our own making, and not really such. 27 so that not only our profession runs the risk of being vilified; but the temple of the great goddess Diana will be depreciated, and her majesty, so rever'd thro' all Asia, and the whole world, will be discarded." 28 at these words, they were fir'd with indignation, and cry'd out, "great is Diana of the Ephesians." 29 and the whole city was fill'd with confusion: all crouded in a body to the theatre, dragging with them Gaius and Aristarchus, both of Macedonia, who had travell'd with Paul. 30 upon this Paul was bent upon going. to the populace, 31 but was prevented by his disciples, and by the primates of Asia, who were his friends, and sent to desire he would not venture to the theatre: 32 there the mob were in the utmost riot, some bawling out in one cry, some in another, and the greatest part at a loss to know why they were met. 33 at last Alexander was disengag'd from the croud, and accus'd by the Jews. then he waved his hand, desiring to make his defence before them all. 34 but when they knew he was a Jew, they cry'd out one and all for the space of two hours, "great is Diana of the Ephesians."