24 the GOD who made the world and every thing therein, and is the Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples erected by men:
25 he receives no service from their officiousness: he is self-sufficient: it is he that gives to all their life and breath and every thing they have.
26 he he has deduced all mankind from one parent, to inhabit the surface of the whole earth, having pre-establish'd the appointed periods, and the boundarys of their dominions:
27 by which they might enquire, and by due reflection investigate the supreme being, although he be not far from every one of us: for in him we live,
28 are moved, and do exist: even as some of your own poets have said, WE ARE EVEN HIS OFFSPRING.
29 since then we are the offspring of God, we should not imagine that the Deity bears any resemblance to the form which Gold, or Silver, or Stone has receiv'd from human art and industry.
30 God has been pleas'd to over-look this state of ignorance: but now he enjoins all men every where to repent: