1 And you are satisfied, my brethren, that our address to you was not fallacious:
2 on the contrary, notwithstanding the outrages, you know we suffer'd at Philippi, we had still the resolution, by the divine assistance, to preach the gospel of God to you without reserve against all opposition.
3 for our doctrine was free from all imposture, avarice, and fraud.
4 we preach the gospel just as God thought fit to intrust it with us, not being studious to please men, but God, who approves our sincerity.
5 our address to you was without any flattery, as you yourselves can witness, and God is witness that we had no avarice to disguise.
6 we never courted you nor any others, from an affectation of human applause. instead of making our apostolical character any ways expensive to you, as we might;
7 we behav'd to you with a tender regard, even as a mother, who nurses her own children.
8 Our affection therefore to you being so great, we were as ready to give our lives for you, as we were to communicate the divine gospel to you, so much did you engage our love.
9 for you remember, my brethren, our labour and toil: how we worked day and night, that in preaching the gospel of God, we might not be chargeable to any of you.
10 you are witnesses, and God is so too, how holy, how just and irreproachable our behaviour was to you, who believe.