1 When any controversy arises among you, will any one presume to appeal to the Gentiles, and not to Christians?
2 don't you know that these are to judge the world? if the world is to be judg'd by you, are not you qualify'd to decide your petty causes?
3 don't you know that we shall be judges of angels? much more then of the affairs of life?
4 if then you have the cognizance of such matters, why do ye set those to judge who are despised by the church? I speak it to your shame.
5 what, is there not a man of experience amongst you, capable of being arbitrator between his brethren?
6 but when a contest arises, you must refer the decision to infidels?
7 beside, you are absolutely in the wrong in going to law with one another at all: why don't you rather take wrong? why do ye not rather suffer loss?
8 nay, in this case, you act injuriously, and do damage even to your brethren.