Matthew 19:18-30

MLV(i) 18 He says to him, What ones?
Now Jesus said, Do not murder; Do not commit adultery; Do not steal; Do not falsely testify, 19 Honor your father and mother.
20 The young-man says to him, I have observed all these things from my youth. So what am I still lacking?
21 Jesus said to him, If you are willing to be complete, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven and come-here. Follow me. 22 But when the young-man heard the word, he went away and was sorrowing; for he had many properties.
23 Now Jesus said to his disciples, Assuredly I am saying to you, A rich man will hardly enter into the kingdom of the heavens. 24 But again I am saying to you, It is easier for a camel to go through a needle’s eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
25 Now when his disciples heard it, they were being extremely astounded, saying, Who then is able to be saved?
26 But Jesus, looked at them and said to them, This is impossible with men, but all things are possible with God.
27 Then Peter answered and said to him, Behold, we have left all and followed you; what then will be left for us?
28 But Jesus said to them, Assuredly I am saying to you, that you who have followed me, whenever the Son of Man sits upon the throne of his glory in the regeneration, you will also sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. 29 And everyone who has left houses or brethren or sisters, or their father or mother or wife, or children or fields, because of my name, will be receiving a hundred-times that, and will be inheriting everlasting life. 30 But many will be last who are first, and first who are last.