16 And I brought him to your disciples, and they were not able to heal him.
17 But Jesus answered and said, O unbelieving and perverse generation, until when shall I be with you? Until when shall I tolerate you? Bring him here to me. 18 And Jesus rebuked him, and the demon went out of him, and the boy was healed from that hour.
19 Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, Why were we not able to cast it out?
20 Now Jesus said to them, Because of your unbelief. For assuredly I am saying to you, If you have faith like a kernel of a mustard-seed, you will say to this mountain, Proceed from here to over there, and it will proceed, and nothing will be impossible for you.
17 But Jesus answered and said, O unbelieving and perverse generation, until when shall I be with you? Until when shall I tolerate you? Bring him here to me. 18 And Jesus rebuked him, and the demon went out of him, and the boy was healed from that hour.
19 Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, Why were we not able to cast it out?
20 Now Jesus said to them, Because of your unbelief. For assuredly I am saying to you, If you have faith like a kernel of a mustard-seed, you will say to this mountain, Proceed from here to over there, and it will proceed, and nothing will be impossible for you.