24 And having prayed, they said, You Lord, knower of the hearts of all, show which one out of these two you have chosen
25 to receive the inheritance of this service and apostleship from which Judas transgressed, so as to travel on to his own place.
26 And they gave them their lots and the lot fell upon Matthias, and he was enumerated together with the eleven apostles.
{NOTES: Acts 1:26-2:1- Chapter and verse divisions were added by man. In the original Acts 1:26 & Acts 2:1 are the same sentence. The ‘they’has been disputed by many. Read both Acts 1:26 and Acts 2:1 together without punctuation and decide for yourself. See also Acts 1:5, 2:6.}
{NOTES: Acts 1:26-2:1- Chapter and verse divisions were added by man. In the original Acts 1:26 & Acts 2:1 are the same sentence. The ‘they’has been disputed by many. Read both Acts 1:26 and Acts 2:1 together without punctuation and decide for yourself. See also Acts 1:5, 2:6.}