Leviticus 26:23-28

Leeser(i) 23 And if notwithstanding these things ye will not be reformed by me, and walk contrary unto me: 24 Then will I also walk contrary unto you, and I also will punish you, sevenfold for your sins. 25 And I will bring over you the sword, avenging the quarrel of my covenant, so that ye shall be gathered together within your cities; and then will I send the pestilence among you, that ye shall deliver yourselves into the hand of the enemy; 26 When I break unto you the staff of bread; and ten women shall bake your bread in one oven, and they shall deliver your bread again by weight; and ye shall eat, and not be satisfied. 27 And if notwithstanding this ye will not hearken unto me, but walk contrary unto me: 28 Then will I also walk contrary unto you in fury; and I, even I, will chastise you, sevenfold for your sins.