23 And he called to him two centurions, and said, Go and make ready two hundred Roman soldiers to go to Cµs-a-reÆa and seventy horsemen and two hundred spearmen, to leave at nine oÆclock tonight.
24 And provide also an animal that they may set Paul on, and carry him safe to Felix the governor.
25 And he wrote a letter after this manner and gave it to them:
26 ClauÆdi-us LysÆias to the most excellent governor FeÆlix, greetings.
27 This man was seized by the Jews who intended to kill him: but I intervened with Roman soldiers and rescued him, when I understood he was a Roman citizen.
28 And because I wanted to know the cause for which they accused him, I took him down to their council.
29 And I found that only concerning questions of their law was he accused, and that he had done nothing worthy of bonds or of death.
30 And when I was informed that the Jews had plotted secretly against him, I immediately sent him to you, and I have ordered his accusers to go and contend with him before you. Farewell.
31 Then the Roman soldiers as it was commanded them, took Paul and brought him by night to the city of An-tipÆa-tris.
32 And the next day the horsemen dismissed the footmen so that they might return to the castle:
33 And they brought him to Cµs-a-reÆa, and delivered the letter to the governor, and also presented Paul before him.
34 And when the governor had read the letter, he asked Paul of what province he was. And when he learned that he was of Ci-liÆcia;
35 He said to him, I will give you an audience when your accusers arrive. And he commanded him to be kept in the Prµ-toÆri-um of Herod.