Proverbs 1:10-17

LXX2012(i) 10 [My] son, let not ungodly men lead you astray, neither consent you [to them]. 11 If they should exhort you, saying, Come with us, partake in blood, and let us unjustly hide the just man in the earth: 12 and let us swallow him alive, as Hades [would], and remove the memorial of him from the earth: 13 let us seize on his valuable property, and let us fill our houses with spoils: 14 but do you cast in your lot with us, and let us all provide a common purse, and let us have one pouch: 15 go not in the way with them, but turn aside your foot from their paths: 16 [For their feet run to do evil, and are swift to shed blood. ] 17 for nets are not without cause spread for birds.