6 And Jonathan said to the young man that bore his armor, Come, let us go over to Messab of these uncircumcised, if [perhaps] the Lord may do something for us; for the Lord is not straitened to save by many or by few.
7 And his armor-bearer said to him, Do all that your heart inclines toward: behold, I [am] with you, my heart [is] as your heart.
8 And Jonathan said, Behold, we will go over to the men, and will come down suddenly upon them.
9 If they should say thus to us, Stand aloof there until we shall send you word; then we will stand still by ourselves, and will not go up against them.
10 [But] if they should say thus to us, Come up to us; then will we go up, for the Lord has delivered them into our hands; this [shall be] a sign to us.
11 And they both went in to Messab of the Philistines; and the Philistines said, Behold, the Hebrews come forth out of their Caves, where they had hidden themselves.
12 And the men of Messab answered Jonathan and his armor-bearer, and said, Come up to us, and we will show you a thing: and Jonathan said to his armor-bearer, Come up after me, for the Lord has delivered them into the hands of Israel.
13 And Jonathan went up on his hands and feet, and his armor-bearer with him; and they looked on the face of Jonathan, and he struck them, and his armor-bearer did strike [them] after him.
14 And the first slaughter which Jonathan and his armor-bearer effected was twenty men, with darts and slings, and pebbles of the field.