Isaiah 49:19-22

LEB(i) 19 Surely your sites of ruins and desolate places and land of ruins,*
surely now you will be too cramped for your* inhabitants,* and those who engulfed you will be far away. 20 Yet the children born when you were bereaved* will say in your hearing,*
"The place is too cramped for me; make room* for me so that I can dwell." 21 Then* you will say in your heart,
"Who has borne me these?" And, "I was bereaved and barren, exiled and thrust away; so* who raised these? Look at me! I was left alone; where have these come from?"* 22 Thus says the Lord Yahweh:
"Look! I will lift my hand up to the nations, and I will raise my signal to the peoples, and they shall bring your sons in their bosom, and your daughters shall be carried on their shoulders.*