4 Gather its pieces to it, every good piece, thigh and shoulder, fill it with choice bones;
5 take the choicest of the flock, and also pile the bones* under it; ⌊boil it vigorously⌋;* indeed,* its bones boiled in the midst of it." '"
6 Therefore thus says the Lord Yahweh: "Woe to the city of bloodguilt! A pot that has its rust in it; ⌊its rust did not go out from it⌋.* Bring it out ⌊piece by piece⌋;* ⌊one is as good as another⌋.*
7 For her blood was in the midst of her; ⌊she put it on a bare rock⌋;* she did not pour it on the ground to cover it with dust.*
8 To stir up rage, to avenge myself through vengeance, I placed its blood on the barrenness of a rock, ⌊so that it may not be covered⌋."*
9 Therefore thus says the Lord Yahweh: "Woe to the city of bloodguilt! I, even I, will make the pile of wood great!
10 Pile up the logs; kindle the fire; finish cooking the meat, and mix in the spices, and let the bones be burned.*
11 And ⌊make it stand⌋* empty upon its burning coals so that it may become hot, and its copper may become molten and be melted in the midst of it,* so that its uncleanness and its rust be consumed.
12 Through effort she has caused weariness; ⌊its thick rust⌋* went not out of it. Its rust! Into the fire with its rust!
13 In your uncleanness is obscene conduct, because I cleansed you, but you were not clean from your uncleanness; you will not be clean again until ⌊I fully vent my rage⌋* on you.