Job 20:12-23

JuliaSmith(i) 12 If evil shall be sweet in his mouth he will cover it under his tongue; 13 He will spare over it, and forsake it not, and keep it back in the midst of his palate: 14 His bread in his bowels was turned, the gall of asps in his midst 15 He swallowed down riches, and he shall vomit it up, and God shall drive it out of his belly. 16 He shall suck the poison of asps: the viper's tongue shall kill him. 17 He shall not look upon the streams, the rivers, the torrents of honey and curdled milk 18 Turning back the labor, and he shall not swallow down: according to the substance of his exchange and he shall not exult 19 For he oppressed, forsaking the poor; he stripped the house and he will not build it up. 20 For he knew not tranquillity in his belly, in his desire he shall not escape. 21 Nothing was left to his food; for this his good shall not be stable. 22 In the fulness of his abundance it shall be pressed to him: every laboring hand shall come to him. 23 He will be for filling his belly, he will send upon him the burning of his anger, and will rain upon him in his eating.