Romans 7:9-13

JMNT(i) 9 Now I was at one time (or: formerly) habitually living apart from Law (or: I was once alive, independent from custom and [Torah]); yet, in connection with the coming of the implanted goal (of the impartation of the finished product within; of the inward commandment and directive), the Sin becomes alive again (or: deviation, failure, error and the missing of the target revived and comes back to life), but I die (or: and I died; yet I die). 10 Also, the implanted goal (impartation of the finished product within; inward directive; commandment) – the one [meant to lead] into Life – this was found by me (for me; in me; to me) [to be leading] into death. 11 For the Sin (failure; error; the miss when shooting at a target; the deviation from the goal), taking a starting point (receiving an occasion and base of operation) through the implanted goal (impartation of the finished product within; inward directive; commandment [to Adam, then to Israel]), completely makes me unable to walk the Path (made me incapable to walk out [customs of the Law]; thoroughly cheats and deludes me, making me lose my Way; deceives me; [comment: reference to Eve in Gen. 3:13]) and through it kills me off (or: slaughtered me). 12 And thus (or: Consequently) the Law [= the Torah], indeed, [is] set-apart (holy; sacred; consecrated) and the implanted goal (impartation of the finished product within; inward directive; commandment) [is] set-apart (holy; sacred) and in accord with the Way pointed out (fair; equitable; just; = related to covenant) and good (virtuous). 13 Then did the good come to be death for me (in me; to me)? Certainly not (may it not come to be)! But rather, the Sin (failure; error; the miss; the mistake; the deviation) – to the end that sin (failure; error; etc.) may be brought to light and made visible (or: in order that it may be made to appear and be shown as being sin) – is constantly producing (or: working down) death through the good [i.e., the commandment], to the end that the Sin (failure; the miss; error; the deviation), through the implanted goal (impartation of the finished product within; inward directive; commandment), may come to be in accord with a throwing-beyond that is missing the target (or: may happen according to excess which is failing; may become extremely erroneous; should come to be in line with a deviating shooting over the goal; or, substantively: may become an exceeding failure, and excessive sinner or a total outcast).