25 For I am not willing for you folks to continue being ignorant of this secret (or: mystery), brothers (= fellow believers; family), in order that you folks may not continue being prudent, thoughtful or discreet by [other MSS: among or within; other MSS: beside] yourselves (= be conceited), that a petrifying, from a part (a stone-like hardening in some measure; a callousness [extending over] a part), has been birthed and come into existence in Israel (or: has happened to Israel) until which [time] (or: to the point of which [situation]) the effect of the full measure (or: the results of the entire contents; or: = the full impact and full compliment of forces) from the nations (or: of the ethnic multitudes) may enter in. [comment: Does the last clause refer to the entrance of the Roman legions into Jerusalem? Or, is this referring to the fullness of all ethnic multitudes, which now includes Israel, entering into the kingdom, since vs. 32, below, says that God has locked up all mankind in disobedience, etc., so as to have mercy upon all?]
26 And thus, all Israel will progressively be delivered (rescued, saved, made whole and restored to their original position), according as it has been written, "The One continuously dragging out of danger and drawing to Himself (The Rescuer; The Deliverer) will repeatedly arrive and be present from out of Zion; He will continue turning irreverence away from Jacob.