11 Be careful! Otherwise, you will forget the LORD your God by failing to keep his commands, ordinances, and statutes that I’m commanding you this day.
12 Otherwise, when you eat and are satisfied, when you have built beautiful houses and lived in them,
13 when your cattle and oxen multiply, when your silver and gold increase,
14 then you will become arrogant. You’ll neglect the LORD your God,
15 who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of slavery, and who led you through the vast and dangerous desert, that parched land without water, with its poisonous snakes and scorpions. He brought water out of solid rock for you,
16 and fed you in the desert with manna that neither you nor your ancestors had known, to humble and test you so that things go well with you later.
17 You may say to yourselves, ‘I have become wealthy by my own strength and by my own ability.’