2 That the elder men be sober sage, discrete, sounde in the fayth, in loue, in pacyence:
3 the elder wemen lykewyse, that they be in soche rayment as be commeth holynes, not beynge false accusars, not geuen to moch wyne, but that they teache honest thynges,
4 to make the younge wemen sobre mynded, to loue theyr husbandes, to loue their chyldren,
5 to be discrete, chast, huswyfly good, obedient vnto their husbandes, that the worde of God be not euyll spoken of.
6 Yonge men lykewyse exhorte, that they be sobre mynded.
7 In all thinges shewe thy selfe an ensample of good worckes in the doctryne, with honestie, grauytie, & with the wholsome
8 worde which cannot be rebuked: that he which withstandeth, maye be ashamed, hauinge no euell thynge to saye of you.
9 Exhort seruauntes, to be obedient vnto their awne masters, & to please them in all thinges, not answering agayne,
10 nether to be pickers, but that they shewe all good faythfulnes, that they maye do worshippe to the doctrine of God oure saueoure in all thynges.
11 For the grace of God, that bryngeth saluacyon vnto all men, hath appeared
12 and teacheth vs that we shulde denye vngodlynes and worldy lustes, & that we shulde lyue soberly, and ryghteously, and godly in thys present worlde,
13 lokynge for the blessed hope & appearinge of the glory of the greate God, & of oure sauioure Iesu Christ,