14 And deceaued them that dwelt on the erth, by the meanes of those sygnes whyche he had power to do in the syght of the beast, sayinge to them that dwelt on the erth: that they shuld make an ymage vnto the beast, whych had the wounde of a swearde, and dyd lyue.
15 And he had power to geue a sprete vnto the ymage of the beast, & that the ymage of the beast shuld speake, and shuld cause, that as many as wolde not worshyppe the ymage of the beast, shuld be kylled.
16 And he made all, both small & gret, ryche & poore, fre & bond, to receaue a marke in theyr ryght handes or in theyr forheddes.
17 And that no man myght by or sell, saue he that had the marke or the name of the beast, other the nombre of his name.