Revelation 10:1-5

Great(i) 1 And I saw another myghtye angell come downe from heauen clothed wt a cloude, & the raynebowe vpon his heed. And his face as it were the sunne, & his fete as it were pyllars of fyre, 2 and he had in his hande a lytell boke open, and he put his ryght fote vpon the see, & his lyfe fote on the erth. 3 And cryed wyth a lowde voyce, as when a lyon roreth. And when he had cryed, seuen thonders spake their voyces. 4 And when the .vii. thondres had spoken their voyces, I was about to wryte. And I herde a voyce from heauen, sayinge vnto me: seale vp those thynges whych the .vii. thondres spake, & wryte them not. 5 And the Angell which I sawe stonde vpon the see, & vpon the erth, lyfte vp his hande to heuen,