Psalms 72:1-19

Great(i) 1 For Salomon. Geue the kynge thy iudgementes (O God) and thy righteousnesse vnto the kynges sonne. 2 Then shall he iudge thy people accordinge vnto right, and defende the poore. 3 The mountaynes also shall brynge peace, and the lytle hilles righteousnesse vnto the people. 4 He shall kepe the symple folke by their ryght, defende the chyldren of the poore, and punish the wronge doer. 5 They shall feare the as long as the sonne and mone endureth, from one generacion to another. 6 He shall come downe like the rayne into a flese of wolle, euen as the droppes that water the earth. 7 In his tyme shall the ryghteous florish, yee, and aboundaunce of peace, so longe as the mone endureth, 8 His dominion shalbe also from the one see to the other, and from the floud vnto the worldes ende. 9 They that dwell in the wildernes shall knele before him, his enemies shall licke the dust. 10 The kynges of Tharsis and of the Iles shall geue presentes, the kynges of Araby and Saba shall bring gyftes. 11 All kinges shal fall downe before him: all nacions shall do him seruice. 12 For he shall delyuer the poore when he cryeth: the neady also and him that hath no helper. 13 He shalbe fauorable to the simple and neady: and shall preserue the soules of the poore. 14 He shall delyuer their soules from falshede and wronge, and deare shall theyr bloud be in his syght. 15 He shall lyue, & vnto him shalbe geuen of the golde of Arabia: Prayer shalbe made euer vnto him, and daylie shall he be praysed. 16 There shalbe an heape of corne in the earth hye vpon the hylles, his frute shall shake lyke Libanus, and shalbe grene in the cite, like grasse vpon the earth. 17 His name shall endure for euer, his name shall remayne vnder the sunne amonge the posterites, which shalbe blessed thorow him, and all the Heathen shall prayse him 18 Blessed be the Lorde God, euen the God of Israell which onely doth wonderous thinges. 19 And blessed be the name of hys maiesty for euer, and all the erth shalbe filled with his maiestye. Amen, Amen.