3 Greate is the Lorde, & maruelous worthy to be praysed, there is no ende of hys greatnesse.
4 One generacyon shall prayse thy workes vnto another, and declare thy power.
5 As for me I wylbe talkyng of thy worship, thy glory, thy prayse, & wonderous worckes.
6 So that men shall speake of the myght of thy maruelous actes, and I wyll also tell of thy greatnes.
7 The memoriall of thyne aboundant kyndnes shalbe shewed, and men shall synge of thy ryghteousnesse.
8 The Lorde is gracyous and mercyfull, long sufferynge, and of greate goodnesse.
9 The Lord is louyng vnto euery man, and hys mercy is ouer all hys workes.
10 All thy worckes prayse the, O Lord, and thy saynctes geue thanckes vnto the.
11 They shewe the glory of thy kingdome, and talke of thy power.
12 That thy power, thy glory & mightinesse of thy kyngdome, myght be knowne vnto men.