Psalms 103:8-18

Great(i) 8 The Lord is full of compassyon & mercy, longe sufferyng, and of great goodnesse. 9 He will not allwaye be chydynge, nether kepeth he his anger for euer. 10 He hath not dealt with vs after oure synnes, ner rewarded vs according to oure wyckednesses. 11 For loke how hye the heauen is in comparison of the earth, so greate is hys mercy also towarde them that feare him. 12 Loke how wyde also the east is from the west, so farre hath he set oure synnes from vs. 13 Yee like as a father pitieth his awne children, euen so is the Lorde mercyfull vnto them that feare him. 14 For he knoweth wherof we be made, he remembreth that we are but dust. 15 The dayes of man are but as grasse, for he florisheth as a floure of the felde. 16 For as soone as the wynde goeth ouer it, it is gone, and the place therof shall knowe it nomore. 17 But the mercyful goodnesse of the Lorde endureth for euer & euer, vpon them that feare him, & hys ryghteousnesse vpon chylders chyldren. 18 Euen vpon soch as kepe his couenaunt, & thincke vpon hys commaundementes to do them.