9 yet for loues sake I rather beseche the, though I be as I am, euen olde Paul, & nowe a presoner of Iesu Christ.
10 I beseche the for my sonne Onesimus whom I haue begotten in my bondes,
11 (which in tyme passed was to the vnprofitable but nowe proffitable both to the & to me)
12 whom I haue sent home agayne. Thou therfore receyue hym, that is to saye myne awne bowels,
13 whom I wolde fayne haue retayned with me, that in thy steade he myght haue minystred vnto me in the bondes of the Gospell.
14 Neuerthelesse, without thy mynde wolde I do nothinge, that the good whych thou doest, shulde not be as it were of necessite, but wyllyngly.
15 For happly he therfore departed for a season, that thou shuldest receaue hym for euer,
16 not nowe as a seruaunt: but aboue a seruaunt, euen a brother beloued, specially to me: but howe moche more vnto the, both in the flesshe, and also in the Lorde?