11 ye shall appoynte you cyties to be cyties of refuge for you: that he whych sleeth a soule vnwares, maye flye thyther.
12 And the cytie shalbe to flye from the auenger of bloude, that he whyche kylleth dye not, vntyll he stande before the congregacion in iudgement.
13 And of these syxe fre cyties whyche ye shall geue
14 ye shall gyue thre on thys syde Iordan, and thre in the lande of Canaan.
15 And these syxe fre cyties shalbe a refuge both for the chyldren of Israel, and for the straunger, and for hym that dwelleth amonge you: that all they which kill any persone vnwares, maye flye thyther.
16 And yf any man smyte another with an instrument of yron that he dye, then is he a murtherer, and shall dye for it.
17 If he smyte hym wyth a throwynge stone that a man maye dye with, and yf he dye, he that smote hym is a murtherer, let the same murtherer be slayne therfore.
18 Or yf he smyte him with a handweapon of wodde that a man maye dye with, then yf he dye, he is a murtherer: let the murtherer be slayne therfore.
19 The iustice of bloude shall slaye the murtherer: whan he meteth hym, he maye slaye hym.
20 But yf the thrust at hym of hate, or hourle at him with layinge of wayte, that he dye, or smyte hym with hys hande of enuye that he dye,
21 he that smote him shall dye, for he is a murtherer. The iustice of bloude shall slaye the murthurer, as soone as he findeth him.
22 But and yf he pusshed hym by chaunce and not of hate, or cast at him with any maner of thynge and not of layinge of wayte:
23 or cast any maner of stone at him (that a man maye dye with) and sawe hym not. And he cast it vpon hym and he dye, and was not hys enemye, nether sought him any harme.
24 Then the congregacyon shall iudge betwene the slayer and the executer of bloude in soche cases.