Numbers 29:31-40

Great(i) 31 And an hegoate for synne, besyde the dayly burntoffering, and his meate and drinckofferynges. 32 In the seuenth daye, ye shal offre seuen bullockes, two rams and thirten lambes that are yerlinges and pure. 33 And let their meate and drynckeofferynges vnto the bullockes, rams and lambes be accordyng to their nombre, and after the maner. 34 And an hegoate for synne, besyde the daylye burntofferynge, and hys meate and drinckofferinge. 35 In the eight daye, ye shall haue a colleccyon of the feaste vnto you, and ye shall do no seruile worcke therin. 36 But ye shall offre a burntofferinge, a sacrifyce for a swete sauoure vnto the Lord: one bullock, one ram and seuen yerelynge lambes without spot. 37 Let theyr meat and drynck offerynges vnto the bullocke, ram and lambes be accordyng to the nombre, and accordyng to the maner. 38 And an hegoate for synne, besyde the dayly burnt offerynge and hys meate and drynckofferynges. 39 These thinges ye shall do vnto the Lorde in youre feastes: besyde youre vowes and frewylofferynges, in youre burnt offerynges, meateofferynges, drynckeofferynges, and peaceofferynges. 40 And Moses tolde the chyldren of Israel all that the Lorde commaunded him.