24 Yf it happen that ought is commytted ignorantlye of the congregacion, all the multitude shall offer a bullocke for a burntofferyng, to be a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde, with the meatoffering and drynckoffering therto, acdynge to the maner, and an he goate for synne.
25 And the preast shall make an atonement for all the multitude of the children of Israel, and it shalbe forgeuen them: for it is ignoraunce. And they shall brynge theyr offeryng for a sacrifyce vnto the Lorde: & theyr synofferynge before the Lorde for their ignoraunce.
26 And it shalbe forgeuen vnto all the multitude of the chyldren of Israel, and vnto the straunger that dwelleth amonge you: seinge all the people were in ignoraunce.
27 If any one soule synne thorow ignoraunce, he shall brynge a she goate of a yeare olde for synne.
28 And the preaste shall make an atonement for the soule that synned ignorauntly, with the synneofferynge before the Lorde to reconcyle hym: and that it maye be forgeuen hym.
29 And both thou that art borne of the children of Israel and the straunger that dwelleth amonge you, shall haue both one lawe, whoso doeth synne thorowe ignoraunce.