Numbers 13:16-20

Great(i) 16 These are the names of the men, which Moses sent to spye oute the lande. And Moses called the name of Osea the sonne of Nun, Iosua. 17 And Moses sent them forth to spye oute the lande of Canaan, and sayde vnto them: get you vp thys waye southwarde, that ye maye go vp into the hye contrey, 18 and se the lande what maner thyng it is, & the people that dwelleth therin: whyther they be stronge or weake, ether fewe or many, 19 and what the lande is that they dwell in, whyther it be good or bad: and what maner of cyties they be, that they dwell in, whyther they dwell in tentes or walled townes: 20 and what maner of lande it is: whether it be fat or leane, and whether there be trees therin or not. Be of a good corage, and brynge of the frute of the lande. And it was about the tyme that grapes are fyrst rype.