47 Whil he yet spake: lo: Iudas one of the nombre of the twelue, came & with him a greate multitude, wt sweardes and staues, sent from the chefe prestes and elders of the people.
48 But he that betrayed him gaue them a token, sayinge: whomsoeuer I kysse, that same is he, hold him fast.
49 And forth with he came to Iesus, and sayde, hayle Master: and kyssed him.
50 And Iesus sayde vnto him: frende, wherfore art thou come? Then came they, and layed handes on Iesus and toke him.
51 And beholde, one of them whych were with Iesus, stretched out his hande, and drue his swearde, and stroke a seruaunt of the hye hye prestes, and smote of his eare.
52 Then sayd Iesus vnto him: put vp thy swearde into his sheath. For All they that take the swearde, shall perishe with the swearde.
53 Thinkest thou that I cannot now praye to my father, and he shall geue me more then twelue Legions of angels?
54 But how then shall the scriptures be fulfylled? for this must it be.
55 In that same houre sayde Iesus to the multitude: ye be come out as it were vnto a thefe, with swerdes and staues, for to take me. I sat daylie with you, teachinge in the temple, and ye toke me not.
56 But all this is done, that the scriptures of the prophetes myght be fulfilled.