Matthew 25:6-13

Great(i) 6 And euen at midnyght, there was a crye made: behold, the brydgrome commeth, go out to mete hym. 7 Then all those virgins arose, & prepared theyr lampes. 8 So the folysshe sayde vnto the wyse: geue vs of youre oyle: for oure lampes are gone out. 9 But the wyse answered, sayinge: not so, lest ther be not ynough for vs and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, & by for your selues. 10 And whyll they went to bye, the brydgrome came: & they that were ready went in with hym to the mariage, & the gate was shut vp. 11 Afterwarde came also the other virgins, saying: Lorde, Lorde, open to vs. 12 But he answered & sayd: verely I saye vnto you: I knowe you not. 13 Watche therfore: for ye knowe nether the daye nor yet the houre wherin the sonne of man shall come.