7 And as they departed, Iesus beganne to saye vnto the people concerning Iohn. What went ye out into the wyldernes to se? A rede that is shaken with the wynde?
8 Or what went ye out for to se? A man clothed in softe rayment? Beholde: they that weare softe clothing: are in kinges houses.
9 But what went ye out for to se? A prophete: Uerely I saye vnto you: and more then a Prophete.
10 For this is he, of whom it is wrytten. Beholde, I sende my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy waye before the.
11 Uerely I saye vnto you: amonge them that are borne of wemen, arose not a greater then Iohn the Baptist. Not withstandinge he that is lesse: in the Kyngdome of heauen is gretter then he.
12 From the dayes of Iohn Baptist vntill this daye, the kyngedom of heuen suffreth violence, and the violent plucke it vnto them.
13 For all the prophetes, and the lawe it selfe prophesied vnto Iohn.
14 And yf ye wyll receaue it this is Helias, which was for to come.
15 He that hath eares to heare: let hym heare.