21 And they compelled one that passed by, called Simon of Cyrene (the father of Alexander and Rufus) which came out of the felde, to beare his crosse.
22 And they brought him to a place named Golgotha (whych is yf a man interprete it: the place of deed mens sculles)
23 and they gaue him to drinke, wyne mingled wyth myrre, but he receaued it not.
24 And when they had crucifyed him they parted hys garmentes, castinge lotes vpon them, what euery man shulde take.
25 And it was aboute the third houre, & they crucifyed him.
26 And the tytle of his cause was wrytten: The kynge of the Iewes.
27 And they crucified with him two theues. the one on the right hande, & the other on his lyfte.
28 And the scrypture was fulfylled which sayeth: he was counted amonge the wycked.
29 And they that went by, rayled on hym: wagging their heedes, and saying: A wretche thou that destroyest the temple, and byldest it in thre dayes:
30 saue thy selfe, & come doune from the crosse.
31 Lykewyse also mocked hym the hye Prestes amonge them selues with the Scrybes & sayde, he saued other men, hym selfe he cannot saue.
32 Let Christ the kynge of Israell descende now from the crosse, that we maye se, & beleue. And they that were crucifyed with him checked him also.