14 Moreouer, when ye se the abhominacion of desolacion (wherof is spoken by Daniel the prophet) stand where it ought not: let hym that readeth vnderstand. Then lett them that be in Iurye, flye to the mountaynes.
15 And let hym that is on the house toppe, not go downe into the house, nether entre therin, to fetch eny thing out of his house.
16 And let him that is in the felde, not tourne backe agayne vnto the thinges which he left behynde him, for to take his clothes with him.
17 Wo shall be then to them that are with chylde, and to them that geue sucke in those dayes.
18 But praye ye that youre flyght be not in the winter.
19 For ther shalbe in those dayes suche tribulacion, as was not from the begynnyng of creatures (which God created) vnto this tyme, nether shalbe.
20 And excepte that the Lord shuld shorten those dayes no flesshe shulde be saued. But for the electes sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened those dayes.
21 And then, yf eny man saye to you, lo here is Christ: lo, he is there, beleue not.
22 For false Christes & false prophetes shall ryse, & shall shewe myracles & wondres, to deceaue yf it were possible, euen the electe.
23 But take ye hede: behold, I haue shewed you all thinges before.
24 Moreouer, in those dayes, after that tribulacion, the sonne shall wexe darke, and the mone shal not geue her light,
25 & the starres of heauen shall fall: & the powers whych are in heauen, shall moue:
26 And then shall they se the sonne of man commynge in the cloudes, wt greate power & glory.