28 And he sayde vnto him: Thou hast answered right. This do, and thou shalt lyue.
29 But he wyllinge to iustifie him selfe, sayde vnto Iesus: And who is my neyghbour?
30 Iesus answered, & sayde, A certayne man descended from Hierusalem to Hierico, & fell among theues, which robbed him of his rayment & wounded him, and departed, leuynge him halfe deed.
31 And it chaunced, that ther came downe a certayne Preste that same waye, & when he sawe him, he passed by.
32 And lyke wyse a Leuite, when he went nye to the place, came and loked on him, & passed by.
33 But a certayne Samaritane, as he iorneyed, came vnto hym: and when he sawe him, he had compassion on him
34 & went to, and bounde vp his woundes, & poured in oyle & wyne, and set him on his awne beaste, and brought him to a commen ynne, and made prouision for him.
35 And on the morow, when he departed, he toke out .ij. pence, & gaue them to the host, & sayd vnto him. Take cure of him & whatsoeuer thou spendest moare, when I come agayne I will recompence the.
36 Which now of these thre thynkest thou, was neyghbour vnto him that fell among the theues?
37 And he sayd: he that shewed mercy on him. Then sayde Iesus vnto him: Go, and do thou lyke wyse.