25 Yf thy brother be waxed poore, and hath solde awaye of hys possessyon: and yf any of his kyn come to redeme it, let him bye out that whyche hys brother solde.
26 And yf he haue no man to redeme it, let hys hande get asmuch as maye be suffycyent to bye it oute agayne,
27 and let hym counte howe longe it hath bene solde, & delyuer the rest vnto the man to whome he solde it, that he maye retourne to hys possessyon agayne.
28 But and yf hys hande cannot gett suffycient to restore to the other agayne, then that whyche is solde shall remayne in the hande of hym that hath boughte it, vntyll the yeare of iubelye: and in the Iubelye it shall come out, and he shall retourne vnto hys possessyon agayne.
29 And yf a man sell a house or a dwellynge wythin the walles of a cytie, he maye bye it out agayne wythin a whole yeare after it is solde: euen any daye of the yeare shall he redeme it agayne.