Leviticus 25:10-18

Great(i) 10 And thou shalt halowe that yeare: euen the fyftyth yeare, & proclayme lybertye thorowe out the lande vnto all the inhabiters therof, for it shalbe a yeare of iubelye vnto you, and ye shall retourne: euery man vnto hys possessyon, and euery man vnto hys kynred agayne. 11 A yeare of iubelye shall that fiftieth yeare be vnto you. Ye shall not sowe nether repe that which groweth of it selfe, nor gether the grapes that are left. 12 For that yeare of iubelie shalbe holy vnto you: but ye shall eate of the encrease therof out of the felde. 13 In the yeare of thys iubelye ye shall retourne euery man vnto hys possessyon agayne. 14 It thou sellest oughte vnto thy neyghboure, or byest of thy neyghboures hande, ye shall not disceaue one another: 15 but accordynge to the nombre of yeares after the iubelye yeare thou shalt bye of thy neyghboure, and accordynge vnto the nombre of yeares & of the frutes, he shall sell vnto the. 16 Accordinge vnto the multitude of yeares, he shall encrease the pryse therof and accordyng to the fewnesse of yeares, he shall minyshe the pryce of it: for the nombre of frutes doth he sell vnto the. 17 Disceaue not ye therfore euery man his neyghboure, but thou shalt feare thy God. For I am the Lorde youre God: 18 wherfore ye shall do after myne ordinaunces and kepe my lawes, and do them, and ye shall dwell in the lande in safetye.